Monday, 26 November 2012

Each Day As It Comes...

Well it's been over a week since this all started and I'm still here... Talking about things and starting therapy definitely helped. Having good days and bad days but that's only normal so I'm told. So I'm taking everyones advice and just taking each day as it comes, not making arrangements until the day unless it's a hospital appointment and letting myself feel whatever it is I obviously need to be feeling.

Still not back to my positive self but feeling positive enough to know that I'll get there.

I had acupuncture this morning and was the last of the course which I'm happy about as I now have one more clinic to add to the list - hand therapy and occupational therapy to help the pains in my hands and fingers so it's good to be letting go of one clinic before adding another. That means this week I have the Maxillo-facial clinic (jaw), physio, acupuncture and hypnotist. And next week I also have 4 appointments. It was one of the things that was stressing me out but I am dealing with it a bit better now and just taking each day as it comes. Many people don't understand how much hard work goes into managing a chronic illness and I guess part of my frustration is just that. I want people to realise how much I do and how hard I work to be where I am.

Just a short post today to keep you all updated with my progress. I am feeling more positive and I know things will improve. 6 months until my wedding and I know that by then I will be fine!!

Love and light xxx

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