Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Day 24 - From High To Low

Strange day today. I was on such a high, and still woke up feeling light and happy this morning from yesterdays treatment and the positivity it brought, but I had the faint signs of a headache above my right eye and on my right temple, where it usually comes. We got up and went for a walk, then I went to have my hair done which was lovely, and went to meet Daniel on the beach where he was sat having coffee. It was a beautiful day, although a bit windy on the beach, but nonetheless it was much better than England!

We came back to the room and the headache got worse, and before I knew it, it turned into one of the full blown crazy headaches which make me feel like my head is being screwed tighter and tighter into a vice, and the jaw was throbbing uncontrollably too. I tried to sleep so Daniel left me for a bit so I could sleep. I faintly fell asleep but woke up an hour later feeling even worse and Daniel came back. The headache and general facial pain got so unbearable that I couldn't even hold a cup of tea that Daniel had made me to try and help me feel better. I was lying in bed, propped up on two pillows literally unable to even keep my head up and I couldn't open my eyes from the pain in my head. I was lying with my mouth wide open trying to put as little pressure on the jaw as possible so I must have looked an absolute delight!

After four very difficult hours it finally started to pass. It went slowly from a 10/10 to a 9, to an 8 where I started to feel more human (we always measure my pain out of 10 to help us gauge it)to a 7. We were supposed to go out for dinner to a restaurant/bar with friends but I had told Daniel I just couldn't go. But by the time the pain got to 6 and I started to feel more normal, I thought it might be a good idea to go out and get myself out the room. I had a shower and got ready and we ended up going to a more relaxed restaurant just the two of us for an easy dinner and were back within two hours.

I know it is just the effects of the treatment and isn't part of the illness. Todays experience hasn't taken away my positivity. I'd just like to hope that I won't be going through that again tomorrow!

I'd also like to send lots of love and strength to Mandy and Michael whose puppy Laila (the one I was raving about on Saturday) passed away this morning. For an 11 week old puppy she went through so much and eventually lost her life to the Parvo virus which she ironically was supposed to get the vaccination for this week. She was such a beautiful, kind, good natured dog and I know Mandy & Michael are devastated as I would be. As a dog lover I can only imagine how hard this is for them and I am sending lots of love.

Have a better day tomorrow everyone.

Love and light xx

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