Sunday, 3 February 2013

Day 6 - Treatment 2

Today I had my 2nd treatment. The day started off well because I opened the curtains to find clear blue skies and a very prominent - and very warm - sun. That always puts a smile on my face.

I had breakfast then walked the short distance to the bus stop, enjoying feeling the sun seeping through my bones as I walked. I arrived at the clinic early, so I finished the book I was reading - Ernest Hemingways The Old Man and the Sea - and sat waiting for Ady.

I told Ady of my constant jaw pain and tiredness, and that these were the 2 main problems I wanted to get rid of - although the whole point of IPEC is to treat the body as a whole, not just certain parts, but if one thing is worse than the other, it usually tells you something.

Ady asked my subconscious what it wanted to work on in todays treatment and it ended up being the immune system. Funny because I really feel lately that I have boosted my immune system to such a great level. With an autoimmnue disease one expects to be ill so often but I have really worked hard on this, especially with diet and probiotics as I believe the gut plays a huge part in the immune system.

Anyway, we did the treatment by cleansing my chi through a range of different approaches including tapping and vibrating in the right places for the meridian system. I then rested and when I woke, Ady gave me a 'Tachyonised Disk'. I'm finding it hard to explain Tachyon in the right way but it is basically a range of products that were invented with energy fields that travel faster than light and put the right energy into your body to help heal. I am wearing the small disk on a string around my neck so that it sits at my chest the whole time.

I have to cleanse my chi through tapping every 4 hours that I am awake - I like light a right idiot if not alone! Atheists, skeptics and non believers look away now!!!

Already feeling the effects of todays treatment as the tiredness was taken to a new level, I've had the dodgy stomach that always comes after a few sessions, and my skin has gone blotchy and my hair limp! Usually about 2 weeks after having the last treatment all the side effects go away and I feel healthy again.

On the upside I don't have to cut out any foods today and apart from the usual post-treatment rules of no exercise, no cutting hair and nails etc, I can pretty much do what I want - which right now, is sleep!

Goodnight! xx

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